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Insights Macro influencers

Im Influencer Marketing Influencers are differentiated based on their reach. Here we are talking about Nano-, Microphone- and macro influencers. Each category is assigned certain qualities. It is particularly challenging to manage a campaign with nano and micro influencers because contracts have to be concluded and collaborations evaluated at the same time. Macro-influencers have a relevant reach and are systematically prepared for marketing collaborations. In this respect, targeted campaign management is easier. Macro influencers can also be used as brand Ambassador be used.

Macro influencers:

  • Followers: between 100.000 and 1 million.
  • Characteristics: They are usually well-known personalities such as celebrities, athletes or successful bloggers. They have a wide reach and are recognized in their respective fields.
  • Advantage: They offer a wide reach and are often more professional in dealing with brand collaborations.

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